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i like science. specifically, i like the application of computers in the environmental sciences. i'm interested in modeling, sensor development, and general dev for environmental problems.

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marine animal remote sensing lab

woods hole oceanograpic institute, 2024-current

i'm currently working at WHOI's MARS lab under the elusive Dr. Zitterbart. mostly, i'm building a codebase that allows for flexible, autonomous, and accurate signal detection for RHF transmitters that we stick on penguins in antartica.

environmental sensors lab

northeastern univeristy, 2022-2024

with the guidance of the incredible Dr. Mueller, I investigated and corrected the effects of environmental parameters on particulate matter by low-cost air quality sensors. during this project, I wrote a python repo to collect, display, and apply a variety of ML correction models to relevant environemntal data.

cognitive neuroimaging lab

montclair state university, 2019-2021

under the wonderful PI Dr. Keenan, i was introduced to research through the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for brain mapping. here, i assisted on a variety of projects around central themes of perspective taking, Theory of Mind, object recognition and neuroaesthetics.

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Corticospinal Excitability during a Perspective Taking Task as Measured by TMS-Induced Motor Evoked Potentials

Citation: Murray E, Brenya J, Chavarria K, Kelly KJ, Fierst A, Ahmad N, Anton C, Shaffer L, Kapila K, Driever L, Weaver K., Dial C, Crawford M, Hartman I, Infantino T, Butler F, Straus A, Walker SL, Balugas B, Pardillo M, Goncalves B, Keenan JP. Corticospinal Excitability during a Perspective Taking Task as Measured by TMS-Induced Motor Evoked Potentials. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(4):513. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11040513

The Effects of Uniforms and their implied Status on Attractiveness.

Citation: Brenya, J., Vieira, S., Chavarria, K., Weaver K., Savitska, L., Dial, C., & Keenan, J. P. (Under Review-Accepted with Revisions). The Effects of Uniforms and their implied Status on Attractiveness. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences

Freewill and Awareness: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study

Citation: Weaver K., Soder, H., Yasin, S., McDermott, W., Bismal, K., Rougebec, A., Goldsteen, G., & Keenan, J. P. (2020). Freewill and Awareness: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study, 125th Annual Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 33.

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